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Archive for the ‘Fantasy’ Category

All About the Literary stylings of Casia Schreyer

Who is Casia Schreyer –


New Sci-Fi Fantasy Obsession – Netflix’s The 100

For some time now, my younger brother has been urging me and the rest of my family to check out the original shows on Netflix.

One such show he convinced me to watch is called The 100.

The series is exciting, seductive and mysterious with action and drama all rolled into one show. If you are a fan of the Hunger Games, the former NBC Series Revolution or the classic novel Lord of the Flies this should be something you should check out now.

The basic synopsis is that 100 juvenile offenders are sent to Earth from a space station that generations of humans had been surviving in after the planet was made inhabitable by nuclear warfare. The space station is running out of oxygen and the 100 are being used as guinea pigs to determine whether or not the Earth is now survivable. They are quite possibly humanity’s only hope for survival.

The show is so good I’ve actually joined the ranks of those who binge watch their favorite programs.
