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Archive for November, 2022

Great app for photo resizing

It is a fact of life that when you take a photo on your phone or digital camera, the size is likely to be very large. But sometimes, large file sizes are not conducive to your needs. For example, posting on a website works out much better with a smaller file than one that may take a long time to load. While there are many photo resizing tools available, some are clearly better than others. I’ve played around with several and came across one that I think really does the job. The app is called “Photo Resizer” and is available on the Google Play store for free.

Two key features:

It actually allows for substantial size reduction as opposed to some tools and apps that still end up with large files.

The image quality does not suffer much or at all. It is hard to tell the difference. See example of a resized photo below.

Recommended Music Blog

I’ve recently been collaborating with a very talented writer and artist by the name of Dylanna Fisher. We met though a service bartering website and now work together on a fairly frequent basis. I’ve had the chance and honor to publish some articles on music and artists on her fantastic blog “Switching Styles” which is dedicated to everything music.

I highly recommend you visit this site for some good reads and interesting topics.

Working on Ice Cycle Creations for Seasonal Decor

As you may know, I really get a kick out of do-it-yourself projects on a small scale. One of the things I am working with right now as the Christmas and holiday season is coming up is ice cycle decorations. There can be used as either tree ornaments or in some other type of display.

I will be selling these items with custom colors – either silver, gold or red sparkles or silver full color (no pictured). When they go on sale, I will post details as a comment so stay tuned.

Here are some samples of the pieces I have made:

I’m So Thankful For The Support From My Fiverr Buyers

While you may or may not have heard of the freelance service website Fiverr in the past, chances are you have seem some commercials or web advertising for the site over the last couple of months. Well, I have been offering services on their since the early days of the site (at least 10 years ago) and can’t thank those who have supported me enough. I have one buyer that I’ve worked with for a long time and and so grateful for her reviews, even if they are a little over-the-top. Here is the most recent review from a couple week ago:

If you would like to check out my services, please feel free to stop by my Fiverr profile and look around at what I have to offer.