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Posts tagged ‘poetry’

New book from very talented poet

I was introduced to the work of Caitlin Leigh a while back and have come to appreciate her unique and captivating style of poetry. I recently found out that she put out a new paperback and e-book entitled “Ineffable: Diving Into Outdated Thinking Patterns And Embracing The Peace Within” and it is getting rave reviews.

I highly encourage you literature fans out there to check it out. Both versions of the publication can be found on Amazon.

Gone Too Far – Original Audio Poem

She Still Stands Strong

Once as red as blood 

As blue as the sky 

And as brilliant white 

As the light from the heaven’s eye


She now has faded 

And her fabric has frayed 

In the echoes of time 

As prices were paid


But do not cry for her 

She still stands strong 

Through the harshest of winds                            

And storms fierce and long


She has grown like a child 

And matured into life 

Now mighty in resolve 

Overcoming ages of strife


She’s battled through it all 

And still today she does fly 

Above our fine lands 

Like a bird so high

Days Gone By – Original Audio Poem

Guest Post – An Original Poem By George Snyder

The truth can’t always be seen with your eyes. 

The truth has been hidden from the watchful. 

The lies of life are everywhere, 

like how flies swarm to trash. 

For a young teen these false truths become truths.

The Sunshine Brings Me Back – Original Audio Poem 

The Machine (A poem)

The Machine

A Beast

So cold, so soulless

Caging captives

In fear

Don’t dare stray

Never challenge

It owns you

Worship it

Follow it

Or else

It sends its minions

To devour you

Erase you from it all

So no one else

Dare resist again

I Weep (A Poem)

I weep for the children

Force-fed lies under the guise of education

Encouraged to hate and distrust

Their very flesh and blood


They cast a net for the mind

Aiming to imprison the heart

Separating the innocent

From those that love them most


This cannot stand

Our voices must be heard

To disburse all the madness

Like dust among the wind

Ashes (A Poem)

Ash flutters in the sky

Among the winds of day

Gray among the walls of steel

In all surrounding places


Ash flutters in the sky

Turning morning cold and dark

Among the sounds of chaos

Echoing in massive tower halls


Ash flutters in the sky

Blanketing the crowds below

While sirens blare

With the heroic rushing in


Ash flutters in the sky

Coming to rest upon the ruins

Of twisted steel

And broken concrete


Ash flutters in the sky

But through it we rise

Like the phoenix of fokelore

Refusing to give in


Ash flutters in the sky

But now brought fourth with joy

Our nation’s colors displayed for show

As we prove we did not break

Kabul (A Poem)

The smell of failure
Rises through grayed skies
Like the sizzling ash
Among embers falling like rain

Kabul, we weep for you
In the midst of smoke and fire
While angered by the sight and sound
Of a weakness built-in “power”

One leader, one man
And his puppet masters too
Own the deaths of many
No where to hide it now

Blood is on your hands my friend
And those who put you into place
It least take your responsibility
For your judgement of disgrace